Monday, June 11, 2018

Ohhh how He speaks to me in the garden...this wasn't the first time nor will it be the last.

I had one big task that I wanted to tackle with this time off and that was to weed the flower garden, it used to be something that I despised doing, why can't weeds just stay away once you pull them the first time? Hateful little things. It seems though through nature is where God wants to get my attention the most with beautiful sunrises in my favorite colors of pink and purple, vibrantly colored birds that will capture my eye, dragonflies that make me smile, the mountains and the lake, I could go on and on. But lately it's been through the weeds. Over the last week or so I've been noticing the large amounts of dandelions that have conquered several yards in the neighborhood, they're invasive and they travel yard to's a weed but I think they're pretty. The description from Purdue horticulture website is that "its a widely distributed weed that a detailed description is unnecessary..."  But here's the thing, I think it does deserve a description, the nicest version of a description I could find is: it belongs to the daisy family with a rosette of leaves and bright yellow flowers. There are weeds though that aren't pretty, in fact they can thorny or sticky and down right icky. These are the ones that need to be pulled, cut back and disposed of much like a lot of things that we hold on to, things we've done and said and things that others have done and said. Those are the weeds of our life.

 When I was down in dirt over these last two days pulling those not so nice weeds God spoke to me. He said "no matter what it is that you're doing I'm with you always, I'm not going anywhere." I've been out of sorts these last couple of weeks and it's taken it's toll on me, that's why I wanted to spend more time with Him this weekend, no distractions. If I had it my way, I would have loved to have just curled up at His feet like Mary did and put aside the Martha in me. But sadly the weeds don't get pulled on their own. I've said before that God is our gardener, He's pulled those weeds (our sin) which allows us to flourish as we should. But when those weeds pop back up and remind you of your past thru the works and whispers of Satan, then it's time to throw down the gauntlet and remind him of who you belong to and use the Word to defeat him because we can't do it alone, only with His help.

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